Exponential growth of ChatGPT didn't happen in a day. AI Winter - The time when funding went dry, no corporate was ready to do any further development on AI or related stuff etc happened twice.
Vector Search vs Traditional Search
ChatGPT prompts which could be useful 1 - What is
Future of Software Development in the AI World
In summary, the below image depicts the future of software
List of Software Architecture Styles : Quick Read
Architecture Styles and its usages with rating against basic architectural characteristics. Quick Summary of few articles of the book - Fundamentals of Software Architecture.
Moving away from intuition-based to customer-led growth experiments
Moving away from intuition-based to customer-led growth experiments. Customer Led Development (CLD)
Helm - Quick Introduction
tech-shorts/Helm.pdf at main · sansor/tech-shortsTech Short : Introduction to
Non Functional Requirement
tech-shorts/NFRs.pdf at main · sansor/tech-shortsTech Short : Introduction to
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The Amazon Management System
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Edge AI - An Inspiration for Future Drone Network
The system which was developed decades ago is slow and can’t handle the drone traffic efficiently. In the era of drones, what stops us to commoditize the super-secret ways to handle air traffic?